Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No I havent dropped off the face of the earth lol. Here are some more random pics from this year

Here is lil Charity w/ her kitten, Shadow.

Here is another kitten, Misty, who were were trying to tame.

Another kitty, Daeso, loved to sleep on our plants lol

Cloud was another kitty that we had. FYI, all of these kitties have either died or disappeared so now we are left w/ one cat (not pictured).

She loves books so much she even takes them to bed w/ her lol

Charity w/a new shirt :)

Daniel turned 17 this year & he got some Justin's from Mom & Dad.

A family in the church had some wild sunflowers growing in their backyard & since they knew my mom loves sunflowers, the girl's would bring some to church for my mom ever few weeks.

This summer we had another animal added to the Strickland "Ranch" lol. Our neighbor asked if he could board his horse w/ mine in exchange for feed so now we have another horse around the place. Btw, Wyoming is the one in the back.

On the 4th of July, we had many games going on & here the lil ones did not want to be left out so they're playing their own version of Phase 10.

The young men played Risk.

Well, here we are before the games started lol. Food & Fellowship is always fun :D

For our Father's & Son's outing this year, the guys all came over to shoot @ our new shooting range.

Also, this summer William, Daniel, & I were involved w/ a group called CYIA, Christian Youth In Action. Here William is telling the story at one of the 5 day clubs.

Here's Daniel singing a song w/ the lil ones.

Lastly, Daniel, Hannah, & I are all involved w/ a small band called the Stars & Stripes Band. Here is a pic of the band after performing at the Korean War Veteran Ceremony.

Well, sorry for such a hodge-podge group of pictures but I am using my brother's comp so I went thru his albums trying to find some stuff to add since a few of you have actually asked if I would update this thing. I will try to post more frequently unlike this past year, but we'll see since I'm staying pretty busy. God bless yall &, in case I dont post before then, Happy Thanksgiving!